Monday, November 16, 2009

Moving in!

Sorry it's been so long since the last post, dear readers. Here's a little photo history of what we have been doing for the past few months. We moved into the house in August. The contractors were (mostly) done, and the city had done the inspection and declared the house was no longer a candidate for a tear-down. But, there was still a lot of work to be done.

Living Room - drywall is up but not painted, floor still needs to be refinished

And the house was dirty after all the construction, and fairly awful to be in.

The Kitchen, already a repository for all of our construction tools,

also became where we put all of our stuff that wouldn't fit down the stairs into the basement.

Since we were still working on the house, we had our mattress thrown down on the floor in the living room. As you can see, it was exhausting.

But, it got better - stay tuned!

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