Sunday, February 15, 2009

Trend Spotting

Do you remember a TV show in the late 80's called Alien Nation? No, well, I don't think it lasted long. There were these aliens, who came down to earth (I think maybe they escaped from a slave ship...?) and integrated into society. They looked like this:

From what I remember of the show, it was very boring because everyone got along and the show was all about tolerance and acceptance. And I think the main alien character fought crime. But the point of this trip down amnesia lane is that they were SPOTTED. A few days ago, I noticed that Whiskey is starting to get more spots! At first I thought I had just spilled coffee on her (not an unlikely scenario), but they didn't wash off.

Close-up of spots:
This isn't a great photo, but she doesn't sit still for that long. I recall from 101 Damnations that puppies don't always have all their spots when they're born, and eccentric old women have to wait a while before making coats from their hides.

Which always seemed a bit odd to me, as puppies have that distinct skunky smell. But I guess I should be grateful for any Disney movie that doesn't involve a buxom young lass who lost her mother and takes care of her dotty father. You know what I'm talking about...

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