Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Photo of the Day: Snapping turtle!

Snapping turtle on the porch at work!

Caution! Do not pet!

Okay - pet it a little


Be Like the Squirrel, Girl said...

This made me laugh. Ok, pet it a little...

Momcat said...

Is that the same as a mud turtle? I thought their shells were flatter. Some friends of my dad once brought me one from a fishing trip. It was about the size of the ones kids used to buy at the dime store before we all discovered salmonella. It was the meanest quickest little spud ever. If you touched it from behind with a stick, it would whip right around and snap the thing off. Very impressive, but not cuddley,
Fortunately we left it outside on the front porch in it's goldfish bowl full of river water , because the next morning, that sucker was GONE. I hope it found its way back to the Ohio. We were not too far away; but at least it wasn't loose in the house.